BYMA(Baruipur young men's association)

About the organization

BARUIPUR YOUNG MENS’ ASSOCIATION (BYMA) a registered, non-political, non-racial voluntary social welfare organization was established on 1940 with the basic objective of empowering the poor people to be united and demand for their legal rights. Initially, BYMA was an informal organization. In the year 1988, it was registered under West Bengal Societies Registration Act, XXVI of 1961. We not only work for the rural people but we also started work with the poor people respecting their decisions and giving much value on their plans and action. BYMA aspires to improve the living conditions of the poor and marginalized by adopting strategies through community initiative, participation and sensitization. We have worked among backward communities in the interior unreached pockets of West Bengal in India.


The principal objective of our Association is to reach people a point from where they can function on their own without further help from others.